Get Involved

Get Involved in Regional Broadband

We want your input!

This page is intended to provide quick access to any surveys or other tools that allow you to submit information related to broadband Internet service in our region.  Some of the links will take you to other pages on this website, and some links will take you to external websites.  We currently have a survey for you to take to give us your input on your current Internet connection speeds, another survey for you to let us know which areas you feel are most in need of getting broadband Internet service, and a form to subscribe to a Broadband Updates Newsletter.  You can also contact us using the Contact Form in the footer of any of the pages on this website.

You can look up your broadband “served” status information in the map immediately below.  This information is based on data that providers are required to submit to the FCC.

ArcGIS App depicting served status and provider information by census block, searchable by address.

Internet Service Survey

We’d like your input regarding broadband Internet at your home or business.  The short survey below will help us provide context to the data submitted by Internet Service Providers.

Your Information

Your Internet Service

Service Provider Information

Links to Pages and Websites to Provide Input

Speed Tests – use a variety of speed tests to confirm that your subscribed Internet speeds are close to the speeds that you’re paying for.


Customer Service Representative Graphic with smiley face rating optionsReporting Issues – to contact your current Internet service provider support pages to report issues with your Internet service or provided equipment.


FCC Broadband Map – to verify your Internet service availability and to submit challenges to service or location information that has been submitted by service providers.

Your Input on Broadband Expansion Priority Locations

Please tell us which areas in our region you feel should be at the top of our list for broadband expansion projects.

Broadband Expansion Priorities

Sign up for the Broadband Updates Newsletter

We’ll start sending Broadband Updates in the next few weeks.  If you would like to sign up to receive the newsletters, please fill out the brief form below.  You will be able to automatically unsubscribe using a link in the Broadband Updates Newsletter email messages.

Last updated:  December 17, 2024 3:24 pm