Broadband Assets
Map of broadband-related assets in Mono and Inyo Counties
The interactive map below depicts broadband-related infrastructure assets and locations in our region that may be of interest to providers for broadband deployment projects. The layers used in the map below are publicly available in ArcGIS Online. You can show or hide layers and layer information by clicking on the layer icon () in the upper right corner of the map window and selecting or deselecting layers.
The Eastern Sierra region enjoys an existing middle-mile network that runs generally along US-395 with a spur along US-6 from Bishop to Benton. The network was the result of the Digital 395 middle-mile broadband project funded by NTIA and the CPUC. The Digital 395 network was originally owned and managed by the California Broadband Cooperative, and the network became part of the California Department of Technology’s Middle-Mile Broadband Network in late 2024. The network consists of 432 strands of fiber between Reno, Nevada and Barstow, California, with 11 signal regeneration nodes. Vaults providing access to the middle-mile fiber are located approximately every 4500 feet.
The Digital 395 middle-mile network connects more than 250 community anchor institutions, provides middle-mile services for last-mile Internet Service Providers and Cellular Service Providers, and provides both lit fiber services and dark fiber options for a variety of customers in the region.
Other communications information:
- Last-mile Internet Service Providers in our region include Frontier Communications, Optimum, Stimulus Technologies (Lone Pine Communications), Race Communications, Schat Communications, Fox Industries, Mono Broadband, and Hartstrom Wireless. Cellular service providers include AT&T, Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile.
- Radio communications for a wide range of organizations are supported by mountain peak relay stations throughout the region.
- Electrical power in the region is supplied by Southern California Edison and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
State and Federal highways in our region:
- US-395
- US-6
- CA-89 (Monitor Pass)
- CA-108 (Sonora Pass)
- CA-120 (Tioga Pass)
- CA-127
- CA-136
- CA-158
- CA-167
- CA-168
- CA-178
- CA-182
- CA-190
- CA-203
- CA-266
- CA-270
Governmental Agencies (permits and access):
- County of Mono
- County of Inyo
- City of Bishop
- Town of Mammoth Lakes
- Bishop Paiute
- Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute of Benton.
- Big Pine Paiute Tribe of Owens Valley.
- Bishop Paiute Tribe.
- Bridgeport Paiute Indian Colony.
- Mono Lake Indian Community.
- Fort Independence Community of Paiute.
- Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation.
- Timbisha Shoshone Tribe.
- NuComm Tribal Alliance
- Los Angeles Department of Power and Water
- State of California
- Bureau of Land Management
- US Forest service
- National Park Service
- US Military
Assets depicted or available with the various layers on this map that may be useful for broadband deployment projects include:
- Existing Digital 395 Middle-Mile Network, Network Nodes, and Vaults
- California’s Middle-Mile Broadband Network (MMBN), including purchased segments, leased segments, planned construction, etc.
- 5-Mile Buffer along the MMBN
- US and State Highways
- Caltrans Highway Projects
- County-Maintained Roads (Maintained Mileage System)
- Anchor Institutions
- Mountain Peak Towers
- Electric Transmission Lines
- Utility Poles and Vaults
- Land Ownership
- Census Blocks associated with Communities
- Grant-funded Project Areas
- Existing fixed Internet Service Providers by Census Block (2023 CASF Data)
To view or select layers on this map, click on the layers icon () in the upper right portion of the map to display the list of layers, and then select or deselect layers to view or hide them.
Some layers in the Layers list may appear grayed out. Some of the layers are configured with Visibility ranges to make them visible only within a specified zoom range. When a layer is out of range, its name appears in a lighter gray color in the contents and legend than the layers that are in range, and the layer will not display on the map. When a layer is within the specified range, it will appear as normal text and the layer will display on the map.
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Last updated: January 2, 2025 7:49 am