
Broadband Updates Newsletter Archives

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • 2025 Broadband Construction Projects
  • 2025 Broadband Grant Opportunities
  • Check Your Internet Service
  • Stay Informed

Looking Forward to 2025 Broadband Construction Projects

We haven’t seen any dirt moving for recent broadband expansion projects awarded in our region, but it looks like that will change this year!

Last-Mile Federal Funding Account (State):

  • The Mono County and Town of Mammoth Lakes FFA projects (June Lake, Convict Lake to Hilton Creek, and Coleville, the Town and the Lakes Basin) have been funded, and we should see some construction activities starting toward the end of 2025.  The Golden State Connect Authority was awarded grant funding for these project locations.
  • We’re still expecting the Inyo County projects (Starlite, Aspendell, Bishop Creek, Lone Pine, Whitney Portal and Pearsonville) to be approved for funding in the month or two, with construction activities possibly starting toward the end of 2025.  Frontier submitted grant applications for for these project locations.

Connect America Fund Phase II (Federal):

  • I’m expecting to get confirmation by late spring from the grantees that these projects will, indeed, be moving forward.  Geolinks was awarded funds for several project locations throughout our region and they’ve been gradually building out their fixed-wireless solutions across the state.  They haven’t yet started construction on any projects in Mono or Inyo Counties.

Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (Federal):

  • Engineering designs for Frontier’s Coleville area project should be mostly completed, and construction is currently expected to begin during 2025.

Looking Forward to 2025 Grant Opportunities

It has been more than a year since we saw the last grant funding opportunities for our region, and while we still wait for word on a couple of approvals, the coming year should include both State and Federal funding opportunities.

Broadband Infrastructure Account Grant (State, Construction, Anticipated)

  • This is a California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) program.
  • This (mostly) annual program offers grants to companies and agencies that provide broadband Internet services for the purpose of deploying last-mile infrastructure to eligible locations.
  • This program wasn’t made available in 2024.
  • We’re expecting an application window for this program to open in late spring.

Last-Mile Federal Funding Account, Round 2 (State, Construction, Anticipated)

  • This is a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) program.
  • This program offers provides funding to Internet Service Providers for the construction of last-mile infrastructure to deliver synchronous 100Mbps or better Internet service.  Grant requirements include a 5-year freeze on Internet service costs and low-cost service plans.
  • Based on project awards for this program so far, several Counties still have significant program amounts remaining in their FFA fund allocation.  While not confirmed, we do expect there to be another application round to allow Counties to use the remainder of their FFA allocations.

Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (Federal, Construction, Anticipated)

  • This is a National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) program that is implemented by the State.
  • This program provides $42.45 billion to expand high-speed internet access by funding the planning, infrastructure deployment and adoption programs in all 50 states, Washington D.C., and U.S. Territories.  The CPUC is administering the implementation of the State’s BEAD program.
  • We’re expecting the application window for subgrantees to open in late spring.

Check Your Internet Service

Just as keeping track of your health metrics or checking the tire pressure and oil level for your car, it’s a good practice to get a regular checkup on your Internet service.  The Broadband Needs Estimator lets you estimate how much bandwidth you should consider subscribing to based on the number and types of devices in your house, and it can run a speed test while you’re counting those devices.  You can also find out which Internet Service Providers serve your area, and there are links to the sign-up pages for most of the providers in our region.

Stay Informed

You can get updates right away from the sources of the information.  The links below will take you pages to sign up for informative broadband-related news and information.

California Advances Services Fund:

California Department of Technology:

National Telecommunications and Information Administration:

And, of course, you can find the Newsletter archive on the IMBC website:

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • Broadband Availability in Your Area
  • Broadband Needs Estimator
  • Unserved & Unfunded

Broadband Availability in Your Area

Is there an easy way to find out which Internet Service Providers offer broadband Internet service in your neighborhood without having to talk to a person or check every ISP’s website?  Yes, yes there is.

You can visit the Get Involved page on the IMBC Website, scroll to the Public Engagement Map, enter your address, and get a detailed listing of the Internet served status for your address as well as information on ISPs that offer Internet service there.

Broadband Needs Estimator

How much Internet bandwidth do you need?  100Mbps?  2Gbps?  More?  Well, more is not a number, but the calculator tool in the Broadband Needs Estimator can help you get a good estimate of the Internet bandwidth speeds that you may need based on the number and types of Internet-connected devices in your home.

Is this estimator perfect?  No.

Are these suggested bandwidth numbers random?  Also no.

The Broadband Needs Estimator will help you calculate your suggested bandwidth, test your current Internet speed, and find potential Internet Service Providers.  You can use all three of these tools at the same time!

The Calculator simplifies the task of estimating how much bandwidth you need in your home by extrapolating recommended broadband speeds by device based on the rather fuzzy estimates of recommended speeds by type of activity in the FCC’s Broadband Speed Guide.

You can also test your current Internet speed on the same page while you use the calculator, and you can search by address to see which providers have reported to the FCC that they offer Internet service there.  Beneath the map you will find links to websites for the regional Internet Service Providers to compare services or sign up for service.

Unserved & Unfunded

While most of us wish we could have faster Internet service, some in our region still have no reliable broadband Internet service at all.  The Agency Broadband Priorities page on the IMBC website provides an interactive map that shows which areas in our region are unserved and also aren’t part of a grant-funded last-mile infrastructure project.

The map shows the project areas that are funded or pending approval by State or Federal grant programs in dark gray, and the remaining unserved or underserved census blocks that are eligible for State broadband funding in red.

Many of our communities are quite small and suffer the uniquely rural challenge of not having enough potential customers to attract Internet Service Providers.  There are both State and Federal broadband expansion programs that fund last-mile infrastructure projects to connect unserved communities like ours to the Internet. While each of the State and Federal programs has its own timelines and program requirements, the goal is the same:  reliable, affordable broadband Internet access.

For more information on broadband-related grant awards in our region, visit the Grant Awarded page on the IMBC website.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • CPUC Federal Funding Account Grant Applications Update
  • FCC Connect America Fund II Awards Impacting BEAD Eligibility
  • FCC Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Awards Impacting BEAD Eligibility
  • FCC Mobile Speed Test and Challenge App

FFA Grant Applications Update

As of the latest California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Last-Mile Federal Funding Account (FFA) Awards update on November 7, FFA project applications have been awarded for broadband deployment construction projects in 33 Counties so far, including the Golden State Connect Authority applications for project areas in Mono County and the Town of Mammoth Lakes (Convict Lake to McGee Creek, June Lake, Coleville, and Mammoth Lakes and the Lakes Basin).  Project applications in another 2 Counties have been recommended for award in upcoming CPUC voting meetings.

The remaining grant applications are still being reviewed, with priority for review given to those project areas connecting to the planned State’s Middle-Mile Broadband Network (MMBN).  The FFA project applications in Inyo County (Aspendell, Starlite, South Lake, Lone Pine, Alabama Hills, and Pearsonville) submitted by Frontier do not connect to the MMBN, but the likelihood that they will be approved is very good, since there were no competing applications and since the total amount of the projects in Inyo County was well within the amount of FFA funding allocated for the County.

The CPUC’s Federal Funding Account Awards and Recommendations page provides a visual depiction of Counties with project applications that have been awarded, but that doesn’t mean that all project applications in those Counties have been awarded.  There are several project applications that do not connect to the MMBN that have not yet been evaluated, and some project applications overlap, requiring additional evaluation.  A full listing of approved FFA (and Local Agency Technical Assistance) project applications is on the CPUC’s Broadband Portal page.

CAF II Awards Impacting BEAD Funding Eligibility

The FCC Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (CAF II Auction) provides support to carriers to deliver service in areas where competition is needed and in extremely high-cost broadband construction areas.  After the reverse auction bidding process ended in 2018, the FCC awarded a total of $1.49 billion to more than 100 winning bidders to provide fixed broadband and voice services to over 700,000 locations in 45 states.  CAF II project awards have a 10-year completion timeline.

The FCC awarded winning bids in four service tiers, each with varying network speed requirements and varying usage allowances, as well as tiers for high-latency connections and low-latency connections. Winning bidders must offer service with speeds, usage allowance, and latency consistent with their winning bids.

CAF II Auction recipients in our region include Viasat (Satellite Internet service) and Geolinks / California Internet LP (Fixed Wireless Internet service).  Viasat was awarded funds for projects in northern Mono County, and services were reported as deployed in Bridgeport, Coleville and Topaz in 2022.  Geolinks was awarded funds for projects throughout both Mono and Inyo Counties, and services were reported as deployed in Pearsonville in 2023 — all other Geolinks projects in our region are still awaiting completion.

Broadband expansion construction project locations funded by CAF II are ineligible for funding under the BEAD program and other Federal broadband expansion programs.

RDOF Awards Impacting BEAD Funding Eligibility

The FCC Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) program is designed to bring high speed fixed broadband service to rural homes and small businesses that lack it.  The 10-year program includes two phases, the first of which awarded support to bring broadband to over five million homes and businesses in census blocks that were entirely unserved by voice and broadband with download speeds of at least 25 Mbps, and the second of which provided support for project locations in census blocks that are partially served unserved locations not funded in Phase I.  RDOF projects are intended to result in reliable, future-proof networks by prioritizing higher network speeds and lower latency.

The only RDOF awards in our region were for Frontier projects in Topaz and Coleville.

Broadband expansion construction project locations funded by RDOF are ineligible for funding under the BEAD program and other Federal broadband expansion programs.

FCC Mobile Speed Test and Challenge App

The FCC National Broadband Map doesn’t just show you provider-reported broadband Internet speeds, it also shows provider-reported cellular service coverage.  You can toggle the information on the map to show cellular coverage by clicking on the Mobile Broadband tab in the sidebar on the right side of the broadband map web page.  The maps show 3G, 4G and 5G coverage areas that reflect where cellular service customers should be able to receive mobile service when outdoors or in a moving vehicle.  The map information does not display indoor coverage.

If the information on mobile coverage submitted by your provider does not match your reality, you can dispute that information by taking outdoor or in-vehicle Challenge Speed Tests on your mobile device using the FCC Mobile Speed Test app.  The Challenge Speed Tests must be taken between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., local time, not indoors, and not using Wi-Fi (the test will remind you to turn off your phone’s Wi-Fi).  The app is available for both Android and iOS devices.

Challenge Speed Test results are analyzed and aggregated each month to determine whether there is a pattern of speed tests from the same area that meets the FCC’s threshold for creating a challenge and requiring a provider response.  If such a pattern exists, the FCC will send a challenge to the provider for a response.  If your Challenge Speed Test is part of a challenge sent to a provider, you will receive email messages with updates on the status of the challenge.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • CPUC Federal Funding Account Project Grant Applications Update
  • FCC Connect America Fund II Awards Impacting BEAD Eligibility
  • FCC Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Awards Impacting BEAD Eligibility
  • FCC Mobile Speed Test and Challenge App

FFA Project Grant Applications Update

As of the latest California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Last-Mile Federal Funding Account (FFA) Awards update on October 17, FFA project applications have been awarded for broadband deployment construction projects in 30 Counties so far, including the Golden State Connect Authority applications for project areas in Mono County and the Town of Mammoth Lakes (Convict Lake to McGee Creek, June Lake, and Mammoth Lakes and the Lakes Basin).  Project applications in another 3 Counties have been recommended for award in upcoming CPUC voting meetings.

The remaining grant applications are still being reviewed, with priority for review given to those project areas connecting to the planned State’s Middle-Mile Broadband Network (MMBN).  The FFA project applications in Inyo County (Aspendell, Starlite, South Lake, Lone Pine, Alabama Hills, and Pearsonville) submitted by Frontier do not connect to the MMBN, but the likelihood that they will be approved is very good, since there were no competing applications and since the total amount of the projects in Inyo County was well within the amount of FFA funding allocated for the County.

The CPUC’s Federal Funding Account Awards and Recommendations page provides a visual depiction of Counties with project applications that have been awarded, but that doesn’t mean that all project applications in those Counties have been awarded.  There are several project applications that do not connect to the MMBN that have not yet been evaluated, and some project applications overlap, requiring additional evaluation.  A full listing of approved FFA and Local Agency Technical Assistance project applications is on the CPUC’s Broadband Portal page.

CAF II Awards Impacting BEAD Funding Eligibility

The FCC Connect America Fund Phase II Auction (CAF II Auction) provides support to carriers to deliver service in areas where competition is needed and in extremely high-cost broadband construction areas.  After the reverse auction bidding process ended in 2018, the FCC awarded a total of $1.49 billion over 10 years to more than 100 winning bidders to provide fixed broadband and voice services to over 700,000 locations in 45 states.

The FCC awarded winning bids in four service tiers, each with varying network speed requirements and varying usage allowances, as well as tiers for high-latency connections and low-latency connections. Winning bidders must offer service with speeds, usage allowance and latency consistent with their winning bids.

CAF II Auction recipients in our region include Viasat (Satellite Internet service) and Geolinks / California Internet LP (Fixed Wireless Internet service).  Viasat was awarded funds for projects in northern Mono County, and services were reported as deployed in Bridgeport, Coleville and Topaz in 2022.  Geolinks was awarded funds for projects throughout both Mono and Inyo Counties, and services were reported as deployed in Pearsonville in 2023 — all other Geolinks projects in our region are still awaiting completion.

Broadband expansion construction project locations funded by CAF II are ineligible for funding under the BEAD program and other Federal broadband expansion programs.

RDOF Awards Impacting BEAD Funding Eligibility

The FCC Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) program is designed to bring high speed fixed broadband service to rural homes and small businesses that lack it.  The 10-year program includes two phases, the first of which awarded support to bring broadband to over five million homes and businesses in census blocks that were entirely unserved by voice and broadband with download speeds of at least 25 Mbps, and the second of which provided support for project locations in census blocks that are partially served unserved locations not funded in Phase I.  RDOF projects are intended to result in reliable, future-proof networks by prioritizing higher network speeds and lower latency.

The only RDOF awards in our region were for Frontier projects in Topaz and Coleville.

Broadband expansion construction project locations funded by RDOF are ineligible for funding under the BEAD program and other Federal broadband expansion programs.

FCC Mobile Speed Test and Challenge App

The FCC National Broadband Map doesn’t just show you provider-reported broadband Internet speeds, it also shows provider-reported cellular service coverage.  You can toggle the information on the map to show cellular coverage by clicking on the Mobile Broadband tab in the sidebar on the right side of the broadband map web page.  The maps show 3G, 4G and 5G coverage areas that reflect where cellular service customers should be able to receive mobile service when outdoors or in a moving vehicle.  The map information does not display indoor coverage.

If the information on mobile coverage submitted by your provider does not match your reality, you can dispute that information by taking outdoor or in-vehicle Challenge Speed Tests on your mobile device using the FCC Mobile Speed Test app.  The Challenge Speed Tests must be taken between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., local time, not indoors, and not using Wi-Fi (the test will remind you to turn off your phone’s Wi-Fi).

Challenge Speed Test results are analyzed and aggregated each month to determine whether there is a pattern of speed tests from the same area that meets the FCC’s threshold for creating a challenge and requiring a provider response.  If such a pattern exists, the FCC will send a challenge to the provider for a response. If your Challenge Speed Test is part of a challenge sent to a provider, you will receive email messages with updates on the status of the challenge.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • FCC Broadband Data Updates - Check Your Location Data
  • FFA Grant Awards and Recommendations
  • The BEAD Program Timeline

FCC Broadband Data Updates - Check Your Location Data

The FCC Broadband Data Collection initiative is a process that compiles provider-supplied broadband service data twice each year for use in the National Broadband Map, which is then used by states and other agencies.

“The National Broadband Map provides information about the internet services available to individual locations across the country, along with new maps of mobile coverage, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the FCC’s ongoing Broadband Data Collection.”

While the Individual Challenge period for the latest National Broadband Map data is planned for November, I noticed two challenges made during the last challenge period that were not fully processed and corrected yet.  The data set for the map was updated in early September with December 2023 data without the corrected data as well.

I recommend checking your location on the National Broadband Map to verify that your location exists on the map, that it’s listed correctly as either a business or a residence, and that the available Internet services listed for your location are accurate.  If any information is incorrect, please let me know so that we can prepare to submit a data challenge as soon as the challenge functionality is reenabled on the National Broadband Map, probably toward the end of October.

My email address is

FFA Grant Awards and Recommendations

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is in the process of reviewing and awarding Last-Mile Federal Funding Account (FFA) grant applications that were submitted last fall.  You can keep track of the awards that were approved by the CPUC as well as the recommended awards that will be on future CPUC voting meeting agendas on the CPUC FFA Grant Awards and Recommendations web page.

FFA grant awards for the projects in Mono County were approved by the CPUC on August 22, 2024.  Project applications in Mono County include:  the Town of Mammoth Lakes, Mammoth Mountain and the Mammoth Lakes Basin; locations from Convict Lake to McGee Creek; and June Lake.  The projects in Mono County will need to be completed within 2 years of the award (August 22, 2026) if California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental impact study is required — within 1.5 years (February 22, 2026) if CEQA is not required.

FFA grant applications are being reviewed in a prioritized order, with those connecting to the State’s future Middle-Mile Broadband Network being reviewed first.  The applications for Inyo County haven’t yet been reviewed, as those applications include the use of the provider’s middle-mile network.  Project applications in Inyo County include:  Aspendell, Starlite and the Bishop Creek area; Lone Pine and Alabama Hills; and Pearsonville (part of a project application for northern Kern County).  Since there were no competing applications for the projects in Inyo County, I feel that the applications for projects in Inyo County have a very good chance of being approved.

You can view additional public details of the FFA grant applications at the CPUC Broadband Grant Portal.

The BEAD Program Timeline

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program timeline is well underway.  The BEAD process for the State of California has moved through the consumer challenge process, the evidentiary review, and the provider rebuttal phase. The provider rebuttal phase ended on September 19, and now the CPUC will have until October 19 to make their final determination of location eligibility before submitting that information to the NTIA.  The NTIA will then evaluate and approve the final map of locations eligible for a BEAD-funded projects.

I’m expecting the State to open the sub-grant application window for BEAD project areas in the spring of 2025.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • FFA Grant Awards and Recommendations
  • The BEAD Program Timeline
  • Check Your Broadband Internet Service
  • Tell Your Neighbors!  Tell Your Friends!

FFA Grant Awards and Recommendations

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is in the process of reviewing and awarding Last-Mile Federal Funding Account (FFA) grants from applications that were submitted last fall.  You can keep track of the awards that were approved by the CPUC as well as the recommended awards that will be on future CPUC voting meeting agendas on the CPUC FFA Grant Awards and Recommendations web page.

FFA grant awards for the projects in Mono County were approved on August 22, 2024.  Project applications in Mono County include:  the Town of Mammoth Lakes, Mammoth Mountain and the Mammoth Lakes Basin; locations from Convict Lake to McGee Creek; and June Lake.  The applications for Inyo County haven’t yet been reviewed, as those applications include the use of the provider’s middle-mile network.  Project applications in Inyo County include:  Aspendell, Starlite and the Bishop Creek area; Lone Pine and Alabama Hills; and Pearsonville (part of a project application for northern Kern County).

FFA grant applications are being reviewed in a prioritized order, with those connecting to the future State’s Middle-Mile Broadband Network being reviewed first.  Since there were no competing applications for the projects in Inyo County, I feel that the applications for projects in Inyo County have a very good chance of being approved.

You can view additional public details of the FFA grant applications at the CPUC Broadband Grant Portal.

The BEAD Program Timeline

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program timeline is well underway.  The BEAD process for the State of California has moved from the consumer challenge process that ended early this month to the State review process that ended August 20 to the current provider rebuttal process. The provider rebuttal process ends on September 20, after which the CPUC will have 30 days to make their final determination of location eligibility before submitting that information to the NTIA.  The NTIA will then evaluate and approve the final map of locations eligible for a BEAD-funded projects.

I’m expecting the State to open the sub-grant application window for BEAD project areas in the spring of 2025.

Check Your Broadband Internet Service

The IMBC Website has tools and information to help you get the most out of your Internet service.  Like most things in life, it’s helpful to check on them regularly to make sure they’re working as well as you expect them to work.  Internet service is no exception!

The Get Connected page on the IMBC website has tools to help you calculate how much Internet bandwidth you might need, verify your actual Internet download and upload speeds, find out which Internet Service Providers offer service in your area, report issues with your Internet service.

Tell Your Neighbors!  Tell Your Friends!

The IMBC Newsletters are sent every month or so and include useful bits of information related to broadband Internet service in Inyo and Mono Counties.  These newsletters are intended to highlight current broadband-related news that might impact you.  They include details on how you can participate in Federal, State and local processes to verify, challenge and correct broadband data, and they include updates on programs and opportunities that can help the people in our region.

The newsletters and the IMBC website include information and links to authoritative sources to inform and assist Inyo and Mono County residents and visitors as well as regional and national Internet service providers.

You can share this information with your friends and neighbors by simply forwarding the email message to them.  A link to sign up for the newsletters is at the bottom of the message, and all of the newsletters are saved on the IMBC Website for reference.

Share early, share often!

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • Conducting BEAD Challenge Process Speed Tests
  • Reporting Internet Service Issues
  • Verify Your FCC Broadband Data Regularly

Conducting BEAD Challenge Process Speed Tests

Your opportunity to make sure that your location is eligible for BEAD-funded project applications is now!

If your location isn’t already on the list of unserved locations, it would be to your benefit to run a few speed tests to determine whether you should submit a speed test challenge. Step-by-step instructions on how to check your location and run speed tests are below. Please reach out to me at if you have any questions or issues with the BEAD Challenge Process Speed Tests.

Note:  if your service is slower than it should be, you’ll need to conduct 3 speed tests, each on a different day.

The BEAD Challenge Window is open until August 6, 2024.

Steps to determine whether you need to conduct speed tests:

  • Start at the Challenge Page:
  • Read the overview on the Challenge Page.
  • Click on the Guide (it should open in a new browser tab – keep that open for reference).
  • Click on the Submit Consumer Challenge button.
  • Enter your address in the search box of the map and select your address when it shows up in the list.
  • Click on the dot for your location to select it.
  • If the dot is blue or gray, please conduct speed tests by following the steps below.
  • If the dot is pink, you won’t need to conduct any speed tests and you’re done.

Steps to conduct speed tests:

  • If the selected dot is blue or gray, click on the Next button beneath the map.
  • Click the Speed button in the list beneath Comment Type.
  • Click the Next button.
  • Click the hyperlinked text “Click here” in the Speed Details paragraph (opens a new tab in the browser).
  • Enter your address in the box and select it from the list.  This activates the Next button.
  • If you don’t have Internet service at your address, check the box right above the address box.
  • Answer the questions and click finish when prompted
  • If you do have Internet service at your address, click the Next button
  • Answer the questions and click Start Test when prompted
  • Click Download Test Results
  • If you haven’t done so already, enter your email address beneath the Thank You message and click the Remind Me text to get automatic reminder messages to get at least 3 speed tests.
  • (While the speed test is running, you can upload your service information and answer the questions on the right side of the screen)

If you have questions about any of the other challenge categories (Availability, Latency, etc.), please contact me at so that we can schedule a time for a call to talk through those options.

The links for reference:

Reporting Internet Service Issues

Are you experiencing issues with your Internet service?  Are you having troubles finding a way to report the issue?  Have you reported an issue and received no response or no resolution?

The IMBC website has a section where you can click on the button for your ISP to report an issue.  If you’re not getting a response to your reported issue, you can escalate that issue as well by clicking on the button for your ISP in the Escalating Service Issues section.  The escalation process requires that you’ve submitted an issue to the ISP already. The service provider will be notified of your escalation issue and the IMBC will get a copy of the escalation report as well.

Verify Your FCC Broadband Data Regularly

The FCC accepts broadband location and service data from Internet Service Providers semiannually as part of the Broadband Data Collection (BDC) effort.  The public will be able to look up their location or locations on the FCC Broadband Map and submit challenges to the latest version of the fabric data generally in early spring and early fall of each year.  The challenges submitted on the FCC Broadband Map are separate from the BEAD Challenge Process but they are still very important. California uses the FCC data and other sources to determine location eligibility for current and future grant programs.

It would be beneficial for you to verify that your location information remains correct more frequently than each May and September to ensure that data uploads by service providers and accepted changes by the FCC are correct. You can visit the FCC BDC Consumer page for overall information and you can watch their How To Submit an Availability Challenge video for step-by-step guidance.

It is very important for everyone to verify that their locations are identified correctly on the map, and that the services that are listed as available at those locations are accurate.  If the location or service availability is incorrect, please submit a Location Challenge or Availability Challenge as appropriate on the FCC Broadband Map page.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • The BEAD Challenge Process Begins July 8
  • Federal Funding Account Grant Awards Expected Soon
  • Verify Your FCC Broadband Data Every 6 Months
  • ACP Has Ended for Now

The BEAD Challenge Process will begin on July 8, 2024

Final updates to the BEAD “served status” data will be completed this week, and you will be able to submit challenges to the data beginning July 8.  The challenge window will be open for 30 days. Most of the links in this section will be on the State's BEAD Challenge Page.

What you'll need to do before July 8:

  • Check your location using the California BEAD Model Challenge Map to see if it is identified as Served, Underserved, or Unserved.
  • If your location is identified as Served or Underserved and you don’t get service that matches how your location is identified, you should prepare to submit a speed challenge.  The challenge will require 3 tests on different days – you'll need to take screen shots of each of the tests.  I suggest reading through the User Guide prior to July 8 to help you get ready to submit the challenge.
  • If your location is already identified as Unserved (red dot), you don't need to submit a challenge.

You can Submit a Challenge when the challenge window opens on July 8.

  • You'll need 3 speed tests, each from a different day.
  • The process to submit a challenge presents a speed test link that you can use, and you can also use any of the NTIA-Approved speed tests on the IMBC website.
  • The process includes several steps, starting with identifying your location.  The map has an unusual feature that requires you to click on your location on the map before you can proceed to the next step to select the comment (challenge) type.  If you have difficulties, please don't hesitate to reach out to me ( to schedule a time to walk through the process.

The links for reference:


Federal Funding Account Grant Awards Expected Soon

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has started approving Last-Mile Federal Funding Account (FFA) grant applications that were submitted last fall.  Three applications for Plumas County have been ministerially approved, and six applications are currently on the CPUC's July 11 Voting Meeting agenda for approval.  I'm expecting that we'll hear about our applications in the next two or three weeks.

FFA grant applications submitted by service providers to fund last-mile infrastructure construction in our region include projects in three areas in Inyo County and in three areas in Mono County.  Project applications in Inyo County include:  Aspendell, Starlite and the Bishop Creek area; Lone Pine and Alabama Hills; and Pearsonville (part of a project application for northern Kern County).  Project applications in Mono County include:  the Town of Mammoth Lakes, Mammoth Mountain and the Mammoth Lakes Basin; locations from Convict Lake to McGee Creek; and June Lake.

You can view the public details of the FFA grant applications at the CPUC Broadband Grant Portal.


Verify Your FCC Broadband Data Every 6 Months

The FCC accepts broadband location and service data from Internet Service Providers semiannually as part of the Broadband Data Collection (BDC) effort.  The public will be able to look up their location or locations on the FCC Broadband Map and submit challenges to the latest version of the fabric data generally in early spring and early fall of each year.  The challenges submitted on the FCC Broadband Map are separate from the BEAD Challenge Process.  California uses the FCC data and other sources to determine location eligibility for current and future grant programs.

It is very important for everyone to verify that their locations are identified correctly on the map, and that the services that are listed as available at those locations are accurate.  If the location or service availability is incorrect, please submit a Location Challenge or Availability Challenge as appropriate on the FCC Broadband Map page.


ACP Has Ended for Now

Due to a lack of additional funding from Congress, the Affordable Connectivity Program has ended for now. Effective June 1, 2024, households will no longer receive an ACP discount.

ACP enrolled households are strongly encouraged to carefully review written notices from their internet company and from the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), the ACP administrator, about the end of ACP.

You can find affordable internet service plans in your area at California’s Internet for All Now website.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • The BEAD Challenge Process
  • Reporting Internet Service Issues
  • Internet Service Speed Tests
  • Speed Test Results Data

What the BEAD Challenge Process Means for You

Part of the NTIA BEAD Program involves Internet service customer verification of service speeds and availability – the BEAD Model Challenge Process.

Volume 1 of the Initial Proposal has been approved by the NTIA, and the CPUC voted on May 10 to approve a Proposed Decision “…enabling the Challenge Process to begin. The Challenge Process is the method by which permissible challengers as defined by NTIA will be able to challenge the served, underserved, or unserved status of Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs), which will be preliminarily determined based on the FCC's National Broadband Map according to BEAD requirements, as well as data not present in the National Broadband Map to the extent allowed by NTIA.”

The Challenge Process, not yet formally defined by the State, is expected to include a means for you to submit 3 speed tests (different days, any time of day, within a specified 30-day window).  When we get information on how the challenge process will work, we’ll get the word out to encourage everyone to participate.

I often hear of frustrated Internet customers in various parts of our region who pay for what should be decent broadband Internet service but is generally abysmal service in reality.  The BEAD Model Challenge Process will be your opportunity to verify the service speeds that you receive to ensure that your location is eligible for BEAD-funded projects.  For example, if you currently pay for Internet service at speeds above 25Mbps download / 3Mbps upload but don’t actually get at least 25Mbps download and 3Mbps upload (both must be true), then your location should be eligible to be included in a grant application for project to construct last-mile Internet connection infrastructure to deliver 100Mbps / 20Mbps service.  The BEAD Challenge Process​ allows individuals to submit corrections to the existing, provider-supplied broadband service speed data to the counties and tribes for submission to the State.  Any corrections to the existing data will be included in the State’s Final Proposal.

Reporting Internet Service Issues

Are you experiencing issues with your Internet service?  Are you having troubles finding a way to report the issue?  Have you reported an issue and received no response or no resolution?

The IMBC website has a section where you can click on the button for your ISP to report an issue.  If you’re not getting a response to your reported issue, you can escalate that issue as well by clicking on the button for your ISP in the Escalating Service Issues section.  The escalation process requires that you’ve submitted an issue to the ISP already, and the IMBC gets a copy of the escalation report to follow up with the provider as well.

Speed Tests — Test Early, Test Often!

There are many different Internet speed test options available, but we’ve provided links to a few speed tests for you to use.  The simplest and easiest to use are the Open Speed Test (you can run this test without leaving the web page) and the Netflix Speed Test (large, easy to read numbers).

We recommend that you test your Internet regularly to make sure that your connection is functioning normally.  Doing so will help you identify when your connection is encountering issues.

Speed Test Results Data

When you run an Internet service speed test, you can report those results and see how your service compares to others in your area.  The speed test results page has a variety of interactive charts and a scatter-plot graph.

To view more data in the Scatter-Plot Graph:

  • Hover your cursor over the service provider’s name and those results will be highlighted.
  • Click on a service provider’s name to remove the results from the graph (it grays the out the name – click it again to show the results).
  • Hover your cursor over a data plot on the graph to show the service provider’s name and the download & upload speeds.
  • Click on a data plot on the graph to show the details of the speed test, including download and upload speeds, the subscribed service speeds, and the test used associated with that specific speed test.  Click the Back arrow to go back to the page with the interactive graph and charts.

To view more data in the Pie Charts:

  • Hover your cursor over parts of the pie chart to show the number and percentage of speed tests for that selection for that pie chart category.
  • Click on a selection of the pie chart to visually highlight that selection.
  • Hover over the selection in the legend to more easily find and highlight that selection in the pie chart.
  • Click on selection in the legend to remove it from the pie chart.  This can be helpful to remove a larger selection to better compare the smaller selections with each other.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • New FCC Broadband Served Definition
  • Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Updates
  • FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period through May, 2024
  • Affordable Connectivity Program Wind-Down

New FCC Broadband Served Definition

On March 14, 2024, the FCC changed its definition of “broadband” to mean Internet service with download speeds of at least 100Mbps and upload speeds of at least 20Mbps (100Mbps/20Mbps).  This definition will be the threshold for a location to be considered served for future grant programs.  The federal BEAD program currently considers Internet service speeds less than 100Mbps/20 Mbps and at least 25Mbps/3Mbps to be underserved.  Grant programs that have already been initiated will continue to consider Internet service speeds less than 25 Mbps/3 Mbps upload as unserved unless the programs are formally modified.

Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Update

On April 4, 2024, the NTIA approved Volume 1 of the State’s Initial Proposal for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program.  This volume includes the State’s modification to treat DSL and Cellular Fixed Wireless Access service that is available at 100Mbps/20 Mbps or better as underserved to allow grant projects to fund future-proof infrastructure.  The BEAD program allows project funding for underserved locations after all unserved locations are funded.

The State’s BEAD challenge process will likely begin in May, but we’re still waiting to hear the details of how that process will work.  I’m expecting a State-developed speed test system that simplifies the process for Internet service customers to run a speed test and submit the speed test data to the Counties.

The State’s Digital Equity Plan was accepted by the NTIA on April 2, 2024.  “The [NTIA’s Digital Equity] program aims to ensure that all people and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy.”  The State was awarded $4M to implement its plan to address “digital disparities in digital access, skills and affordability across the state.”

FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period through May, 2024

The FCC recently accepted broadband location and service data from Internet Service Providers as part of the semi-annual Broadband Data Collection (BDC) effort.  The public will be able to look up their location or locations on the FCC Broadband Map and submit challenges to the latest version of the fabric data through May 2024.

It is very important for everyone to verify that their locations are identified correctly on the map, and that the services that are listed as available at those locations are accurate.

If the location or service availability is incorrect, please submit a Location Challenge or Availability Challenge as appropriate on the FCC Broadband Map page.

Affordable Connectivity Program Wind-Down

April is the last fully funded month for the Affordable Connectivity Plan (ACP).  As of April 11, there is no news on whether the federal government will continue to fund the ACP.  There have so far been no changes to broadband construction grant programs that require that ACP service plans be included in the services delivered.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • USDA Grant Awards for Mono and Inyo Counties
  • CPUC Federal Funding Account Grant Applications Status
  • FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period through May, 2024


USDA Broadband Technical Assistance Grant Awards

On February 21, 2024, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the award of USDA Rural Development Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA) grants for Mono and Inyo Counties.  These grants are intended to result in shovel-ready, last-mile, detailed network engineering designs for Hammil in Mono County and for the Furnace Creek area in Inyo County.  The awards were announced as part of an investment of more than $770 million for rural infrastructure projects during USDA’s “Investing in America Tour.” The broad goal of the USDA funding is to bring high-speed internet, clean drinking water, and modern infrastructure to more than one million people in rural communities.

Once the network engineering designs for these projects are complete, we will be better equipped to estimate the funding needed for last-mile infrastructure construction for these areas.  We will then work with providers to seek the most appropriate grant funding for the construction of last-mile infrastructure and to provide broadband Internet service in these communities.

CPUC Last-Mile Federal Funding Account Grant Applications Status

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Last-Mile Federal Funding Account (FFA) grant applications submitted last fall were expected to be evaluated and awarded this spring.  Since there were several FFA applications that overlapped CPUC Infrastructure Account applications, the CPUC has postponed the deadline for for action on pending Infrastructure Account applications—and ostensibly on the announcement of FFA grant application awards—until June 30, 2024.

FFA grant applications submitted by service providers to fund last-mile infrastructure construction in our region include projects in three areas in Inyo County and in three areas in Mono County.  Project applications in Inyo County include:  Aspendell, Starlite and the Bishop Creek area; Lone Pine and Alabama Hills; and Pearsonville (part of a project application for northern Kern County).  Project applications in Mono County include:  the Town of Mammoth Lakes, Mammoth Mountain and the Mammoth Lakes Basin; locations from Convict Lake to McGee Creek; and June Lake.

You can view the public details of the FFA grant applications at the CPUC Broadband Grant Portal.

FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period through May, 2024

The FCC recently accepted broadband location and service data from Internet Service Providers as part of the semi-annual Broadband Data Collection (BDC) effort.  The public will be able to look up their location or locations on the FCC Broadband Map and submit challenges to the latest version of the fabric data through May 2024.  It is very important for everyone to verify that their locations are identified correctly on the map, and that the services that are listed as available at those locations are accurate.  If the location or service availability is incorrect, please submit a Location Challenge or Availability Challenge as appropriate on the FCC Broadband Map page.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • CPUC Video Franchising - Share Your Opinion
  • Federal BEAD Program Next Steps
  • FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period coming in March, 2024
  • Get Involved in Regional Broadband!

CPUC Video Franchising - Share Your Opinion

The California Public Utilities Commission is creating new Video Franchising rules to protect customers who use television and internet services. The Commission is undertaking this work because many Californians rely on businesses such as Optimum, DirecTV, Charter, Comcast, and Cox for their television and internet services.  The Commission issues franchises to more than 20 businesses that offer these services in California.

To hear from customers and stakeholders on any proposed new rules, the Commission released its YouTube video titled, “Your Opinion Will Help Shape the Future of Video Franchising (2024)” to the public on January 30, 2024.  You can watch the YouTube video by clicking on the video link below:

Your Opinion Will Help Shape the Future of Video Franchising (2024)

Federal BEAD Program Next Steps

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program is intended to result in “Reliable Broadband Internet Service” for all households.  The goal is broadband Internet service at speeds of at least 100Mbps download and 10Mbps upload.

The NTIA is currently evaluating proposals from all of the States and Territories.  When California’s Initial Proposal is approved, probably this spring, the 1-year clock starts for California to submit its Final Proposal.

During that year, the State will solicit and select grant applications to cover all unserved locations in the State, and those selected grant applications will be included in the State’s Final proposal.  BEAD-funded construction work can begin after the NTIA approves the State’s Final Proposal and the individual applications.

Your participation may be necessary during that year as well.  Should your home’s Internet service speeds be challenged, you may be asked to run speed tests and provide the results to the County for submission to verify that your location is eligible for a BEAD-funded project.  While the specific details of the process are not yet available, the NTIA Speed Test Requirements for the Challenge Process will include the subscriber (you) submitting results from 3 speed tests within 60 days of the start of the challenge.

Stay tuned!

Graphic of the California BEAD Program Timeline

FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period coming in March, 2024

This is a reminder that the FCC is now accepting broadband location and service data from Internet Service Providers as part of their semi-annual Broadband Data Collection (BDC) effort. After the BDC submission window closes in early March, the public will be able to look up their location or locations on the FCC Broadband Map and submit challenges to the fabric data. It will be very important for everyone to verify that their locations are identified correctly on the map, and that the services listed as available at those locations are accurate. If the location or service availability is incorrect, please submit a Location Challenge or Availability Challenge as appropriate on the FCC Broadband Map page.

Image of the FCC National Broadband Map home page, hyperlinked to that site.

Get Involved in Regional Broadband - Provide your input

The IMBC website has a Get Involved page dedicated to gathering public input.  The Get Involved page has a survey for you to let us know if you’re truly receiving the Internet service speeds that you’re paying for and another survey to get your thoughts on which areas you feel need to be prioritized for broadband deployment.  That page also includes links to other pages on the IMBC website, including the Speed Tests page and the Reporting Issues page.

  • Speed Tests – test regularly.
  • Confirm your Internet Service Speeds.
  • Tell us which areas you feel need broadband service expansion.
  • Submit Challenges on the FCC Broadband Map if your Internet service isn’t accurately represented.  This is the current source of data that California uses for grant applications.

Image of a speed test on a laptop screen


Topics in this Newsletter:

  • Digital Equity Plan Draft Public Comment through January 25, 2024
  • FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period coming in March, 2024


Digital Equity Plan Draft – Public Comment through January 25, 2024 

The State of California is taking a vitally important step toward closing the digital divide by releasing its draft California Digital Equity Plan aimed at ensuring every Californian has equitable access to reap the social and economic benefits of the digital world. The public is invited to add input to the plan by commenting before January 25, 2024.

The draft Digital Equity Plan, part of the Federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment program, was developed with input from across the State, including from Inyo and Mono counties. Representatives from agencies, organizations and companies in our region participated remotely a Digital Equity Plan workshop in May 2023, and the State also incorporated survey responses submitted by residents.

From the California Department of Technology:  “Your perspective is extremely valuable in helping to refine the Plan and ensure it meets the needs of all Californians. To assist the development of this Plan further, submit a public comment: visit the State Digital Equity Plan page to access the draft, then select the public comment form and follow the instructions to share your feedback."

Please take a few minutes to look through the plan and provide comments, express support, or provide additional information for consideration.


Text block that reads State Digital Equity Plan, hyperlinked to the CDT Digital Equity Plan website


FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period coming in March, 2024

The FCC is now accepting broadband location and service data from Internet Service Providers as part of their semi-annual Broadband Data Collection (BDC) effort. After the BDC submission window closes in early March, the public will be able to look up their location or locations on the FCC Broadband Map and submit challenges to the fabric data. It will be very important for everyone to verify that their locations are identified correctly on the map, and that the services listed as available at those locations are accurate. If the location or service availability are incorrect, please submit a Location Challenge or Availability Challenge as appropriate on the FCC Broadband Map page.


Image of the FCC National Broadband Map home page, hyperlinked to that site.


Get Involved in Regional Broadband - Provide your input

The IMBC website has a Get Involved page dedicated to gathering public input.  The Get Involved page has a survey for you to let us know if you’re truly receiving the Internet service speeds that you’re paying for and another survey to get your thoughts on which areas you feel need to be prioritized for broadband deployment.  That page also includes links to other pages on the IMBC website, including the Speed Tests page and the Reporting Issues page.

  • Speed Tests - test regularly
  • Confirm your Internet Service Speeds
  • FCC Broadband Fabric Data Challenge period coming in March, 2024
  • Tell us which areas you feel need broadband service expansion
  • Submit Challenges on the FCC Broadband Map if your Internet service isn’t accurately represented.  This is important as this is the current source of data that California uses for grant applications.

Topics in this Newsletter:

  • Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Grant Status
  • BEAD Challenge Process and Speed Tests
  • California Federal Funding Account (FFA) Grants Status
  • Get Involved in Regional Broadband!

Status of the State’s BEAD Grant Application 

The BEAD program is intended to result in “Reliable Broadband Internet Service” for all households, not just for the neediest households or for those only in specific areas as we’ve seen with so many previous broadband grant programs.  The stated program goal is to provide broadband Internet service for every unserved* and underserved** location at speeds of at least 100Mbps / 20Mbps (download/upload), and to provide service for all Community Anchor Institutions at symmetrical speeds of 1Gbps.

  • The State will submit its Initial (non-draft) Proposal to the NTIA by December 27.  Submitted documents and other information can be found at the State’s Bead Program website.
  • The State will solicit subgrantee applications for construction projects in 2024.
  • One of the more relevant parts of the BEAD grant for our region is the establishment of an Extremely High Cost to Connect threshold.  Locations that are estimated to exceed that cost when planning for fiber-optic infrastructure will be eligible for connectivity using licensed fixed wireless or other reliable methods using BEAD funds.

*Unserved Internet service speeds:  less than 25Mbps download and 3Mbps upload.

**Underserved Internet service speeds:  less than 100Mbps download and 20Mbps upload.

BEAD Challenge Process and Speed Tests 

Part of the overall BEAD application process will require involvement by residents and businesses.  As subgrantees submit BEAD applications to the State to connect unserved and underserved locations, Internet Service Providers who believe that they already provide services to those locations at “served” speeds can submit a challenge.  The challenge process will require speed test data to support claims of served, and in some cases, unserved or underserved locations.

The NTIA posted a 2-page overview of the BEAD Speed Test Requirements to help explain the Challenge Process, but the following are key Speed Test requirements:

  • The median result of three speed tests, taken on separate days, is used to identify service levels.
  • Speed tests must not be older than 60 days from the start of the challenge period.
  • Speed tests may be conducted by subscribers, but speed test challenges must be gathered and submitted by an eligible challenger (units of local government, nonprofit organizations, or an internet service provider).

You can find links to the NTIA-approved speed tests on the IMBC website.

Status of FFA Applications and next steps 

  • Town of Mammoth Lakes – grant submitted to connect locations identified as unserved, in the challenge process, response to the challenge has been submitted, awaiting CPUC evaluation of the grant application.
  • Mono County – grants submitted to connect locations identified as unserved, in the challenge process, response to the challenge has been submitted, awaiting CPUC evaluation of the grant application.
  • Inyo County (Inyo-1, Inyo-2, Kern-Pearsonville) – submitted to connect locations identified as unserved, in the challenge process, response to the challenge has been submitted, awaiting CPUC evaluation of the grant application.

Get Involved in Regional Broadband - Provide your input

The IMBC website has a Get Involved page dedicated to gathering public input.  The Get Involved page has a survey for you to let us know if you’re truly receiving the Internet service speeds that you’re paying for and another survey to get your thoughts on which areas you feel need to be prioritized for broadband deployment.  That page also includes links to other pages on the IMBC website, including the Speed Tests page and the Reporting Issues page.

  • Speed Tests – test regularly
  • Confirm your Internet Service Speeds
  • Tell us which areas you feel need broadband service expansion
  • Submit Challenges on the FCC Broadband Map if your Internet service isn’t accurately represented.  This is important as this is the current source of data that California uses for grant applications.

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If you would like to sign up to receive the newsletters, please fill out the brief form below.  You will be able to automatically unsubscribe using a link in the Broadband Updates Newsletter email messages.

Last updated:  November 7, 2024 4:53 pm